Thursday, March 12, 2009


Total time of workout-34:42
Time in the zone-3:02
Time above the zone- 0:00
Time below the zone- 31:40
Max heartrate-167 bpm
Avg heartrate- 133 bpm
Kilocalories- 164

What worked?
I thought that the workout had good exercises that kept us moving the whole time. The girls did a good job at explaining all the moves and the names of them at the beginning of the workout. This helped to know what to do when they started putting combinations together. I also thought that the energy was good and that they did a good job at picking out music that was upbeat and motivating.

What didn't work?
I didn't get my heartrate up very high throughout this workout. I thought that we could have gone a bit longer to push ourselves for endurance. I think that if we could turn up the music a bit louder also it would really get people fired up and ready as if they were actually punching/kicking someone.

What I would do differently...
I think that if we could do more combinations like the series of front, side, back, and jumpkick move it would help to pump up our heartrate a bit more. Also with the combinations maybe we could do more series that bring kicks and punching together. I liked the jumprope move and the mountain climbers and thought we could have added a bit more of cardio into the workout in that way. Overall, I think that the girls did a great job at putting moves together that would be good for our beginner level class and that continually kept us moving.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Total time of workout- 25:47
Time in the zone- 1:18
Time above the zone- 0:00
Time below the zone- 24:29
Max heartrate 160 bpm
Avg heartrate 133 bpm
Kilocalories- 117

What worked?
I love to dance and I think that zumba is a great way to get someone moving who doesn't like the traditional running. I really like how the girls did a nice job of encouraging everyone to do the moves even though some of them were different from what people would normally do. Not only that but they did a great job of using hand/nonverbal cues to tell us what and when to do a move. Zumba showed to be a great way to relieve stress and be yourself while getting a good workout.

What didn't work?
This workout did not get my heartrate up as much as some of the other workouts did. Even though I had fun with the choreography that the girls had ready, I think that it could have had a little more spunk and they could have added faster moves mixed in with the more basic dance steps. I think that picking songs with a bit more of an upbeat and faster tempo would also help to get us moving more.

What I would do differently...
Being put in there shoes there are just a few things I would change. I would try to take out the standing time between moves and between songs where you could even just add a mamba or a boxer shuffle. Also making more combinations instead of short segments and then also repeating those sequences could help to make the entire workout a bit longer. Overall the girls did a great job of keeping the class moving and on their toes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cardio Mix

Total time of workout- 36:34
Time in the zone- 12:02
Time above the zone- 1:56
Time below the zone- 22:34
Max heartrate- 187 bpm
Average heartrate- 150 bpm
Kilocalories- 223

What worked?
I really enjoyed the variety of the workout. It was nice to have step aerobics along with the jumping cardio exercises mixed in with strength training. I thought the workout was best in the strength training portion because it was great for those who are not so much of power trainers. They also did a great job at picking out music that was up beat and motivating.

What didn't work?
I thought that the cardio and strength training portions could have been a bit longer. I would have liked to have my heartrate in and above the zone for a longer period of time. I also thought that if they would have meshed the steps in the step workout together more it would have been better to pump us up instead of continually walking it out. That was, however, good in the sense that we had a beginner class in step and each step took some explaining.

What I would do differently...
I think that if I would do anything different I would have added in more cardio to the workout. It would have been cool to actually have jump ropes to do different jumps and we could have integrated more cardio with the step such as more step ups or side lunges. I also think that since we had such light weights we could have put together some of the moves we did to make it a more up beat strength training session; such as, squat/press or lunge curls.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Step aerobics- Instructor's viewpoint

What worked?
Step was more challenging of a class to coordinate than I had originally thought. Even if the moves were simple, it's hard to cue them before we started that particular movement, all the while, still staying on beat. I thought the three of us did a pretty good job with that for the little time of preparation that we had. I really enjoyed the songs that we had and thought the beat went well with the moves we did in class. I'm also glad that we added in the extra upbeat cardio because it mixed things up so people would not get bored and also got their heartrate up quite a bit.

What didn't work?
I could tell that a lot of people were not following for some of the more challenging portions of the choreography, which didn't really surprise me for beginning steppers, as I was the same at my first step class. It would have also helped to be in a more ideal studio; perhaps with more area for the students, mirrors to watch in, and maybe even microphones. I feel like the class could have also used a bit more of a relaxing cool down with a slower song at the end, especially since we ended on high intensity cardio.

What I would do differently...
I was quite nervous to lead this workout. Even with a dance background, I would have liked to have had more sessions on cueing and teaching before being put in front of a class to teach step, however, I think much of that comes with practice. I think that if we had been doing this for a while it would have helped to make changes such as starting everything on our left foot while saying "right lead" when facing the students so they could catch on better. The other thing I would change would be to either turn down the music in our instance or see if we could have headset microphones so that even the people in the back could hear us better and follow along.