Thursday, March 5, 2009


Total time of workout- 25:47
Time in the zone- 1:18
Time above the zone- 0:00
Time below the zone- 24:29
Max heartrate 160 bpm
Avg heartrate 133 bpm
Kilocalories- 117

What worked?
I love to dance and I think that zumba is a great way to get someone moving who doesn't like the traditional running. I really like how the girls did a nice job of encouraging everyone to do the moves even though some of them were different from what people would normally do. Not only that but they did a great job of using hand/nonverbal cues to tell us what and when to do a move. Zumba showed to be a great way to relieve stress and be yourself while getting a good workout.

What didn't work?
This workout did not get my heartrate up as much as some of the other workouts did. Even though I had fun with the choreography that the girls had ready, I think that it could have had a little more spunk and they could have added faster moves mixed in with the more basic dance steps. I think that picking songs with a bit more of an upbeat and faster tempo would also help to get us moving more.

What I would do differently...
Being put in there shoes there are just a few things I would change. I would try to take out the standing time between moves and between songs where you could even just add a mamba or a boxer shuffle. Also making more combinations instead of short segments and then also repeating those sequences could help to make the entire workout a bit longer. Overall the girls did a great job of keeping the class moving and on their toes.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of dance is zumba? Perhaps I could learn? This sounds like a fun class...such great variety.
    I really like your new profile pic. I'm anxious to see if it shows up when you leave a comment for me. Have a restful Sunday. Take care.
