Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Total time of workout- 35:02
Time in zone- 0:00
Time above zone- 0:00
Time below zone- 35:02
Max heartrate- 150 bpm
Avg heartrate- 110 bpm
Kilocalories- 101

What worked?
I thought the exercises we did were great for a good stretch. Some of the breathing and concentrating on the surrounding techniquies really helped me to relax. I thought the girls did a good job of reminding everyone to stay relaxed and that if they kept breathing loudly and concentrating they could slip deeper into the pose and stretch.

What didn't work?
Since I am not very flexible, some of the poses were a bit extreme for me and were hard for me to perform. I think that if I continued to work at yoga, the moves would be easier for me.

What I would do differently...
There is not a lot I would do differently about this workout. It was not one that got our heartrate up too much however it was good in the sense of relaxation. I thought that the girls did a great job explaining each and every pose and how to get in and out of each of them.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boot Camp

Total time of workout- 42:26
Time in zone- 27:22
Time above zone-7:27
Time below zone- 7:37
Max heartrate- 202 bpm
Avg heartrate-168 bpm
Kilocalories- 319

What worked?
I really enjoyed the workout especially the circuits we did. They really got my heartrate up and made my legs burn. I felt like the squats and lunges helped to work on strength training and cardio at the same time.

What didn't work?
I thought that being dragged across the floor, and dragging others across the floor was a bit awkward. I really didn't get much out of that. Splitting the workout up into different sections was a great idea though but I would suggest more sprints instead of the partnering.

What I would do differently...
The guys did a great job getting everyone to work hard while motivating everyone to keep going during the workout. I don't think I would have done anything differently except maybe you could mix up the circuits and not do all so many repeats as my legs started to get worn out.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Total Time of Workout-46:37
Time in zone- 26:56
Time above zone- 7:58
Time below zone- 11:43
Max heartrate- 192 bpm
Avg heartrate-165 bpm
Kilocalories- 339

What worked?
I really enjoyed the spinning workout. Being a runner, it was a nice change of pace for a great leg workout. I really enjoyed the intervals of speed/recovery and resistance/recovery. The girls did a great job of keeping the workout upbeat but doable for even the beginners.

What didn't work?
I was a little confused on the levels at first but as they explained them it all made sense. I thought it was good that they continually reminded us of the level you should be on and where you should keep your rpms.

What I would do differently...
I think that the girls put on a great spin workout. They alternated high intensity with some recovery, but not too much. My only problem was that I couldn't hear very well, however I like the music loud so maybe microphones could be an option. Also we could do more things like the pushups/squats positions because they got my arms and legs really burning.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Water Aerobics

What worked?
I have been on the swim team since I was 8 and I love to be in the water. The water aerobics are something that I really like to do. It is an especially great workout for resistance training if you are returning from an injury. I enjoyed the across the pool kicking to really get my heartrate up.

What didn't work?
Treading water was not very hard for me being very acclimated for the water but I had a lot of fun playing. The workout was not very hard for me and did not get my heartrate going too much, however I think swimming laps would be more on the difficultly level I would have needed.

What I would do differently...
The across the floor lunges, high knees, and etc. I thought were great exercises and I would have added more of them along with flutter kicking. I think the water polo was a very fun activity however instead of playing twice we could have done vertical kicking with different kicks alternating with treading water in the deep end.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Total Time- 28:23
Time in zone- 0:15
Time above zone- 0:00
Time below zone-28:08
Max heartrate- 166 bpm
avg heartrate- 119 bpm
kilocalories- 102

What worked?
I thought the class was a great relaxer for your muscles especially after a tough cardio workout. Pilates is a great stretch for you muscles and it seems to help with toning of the abs and core. I enjoyed how the class was run, very professional, and the girls very good at explaining each movement.

What didn't work?
The pilates were not something I would do on a regular basis. Besides being a well taught class I did not feel to get much of an actual workout. I feel that doing a more upbeat cardio class would work better for me.

What I would do differently...
This is the first time I have ever done pilates and as far as running the class I thought the girls did a very good job. I think the only thing I would do differently would be to take less time explaining the exercises so that we have more time actually performing them. I also thought the class could have been a little longer in the actual workout section.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tae Bo

Time of workout- 24:14
Time in zone- 9:49
Time above zone- 0:00
Time below zone- 14:24
Max heartrate- 168 bpm
Avg heartrate- 143 bpm
Kcal- 134

What worked?
I enjoyed the routine that we did. The punches and kicks were a great way to get me moving and motivated without getting bored during the workout. Also, his pep talks keep you on your toes and they are great to lift you up when you are getting a bit tired.

What didn't work?
The specific routine we did didn't get me to my target heartrate for very long. I thought that the different exercises in the middle could have been a bit more upbeat. This may just not be the workout for me or I could find another routine that is a bit more advanced.

What I would do differently next time...
If I had to redo the workout I would add more of the high kicks and put together different combinations for different difficulty levels. We only performed one kick/punch combination, however, I think those were the most stimulating. Also when doing double time in the various punches it seemed to get my heartrate up a bit more so more of those could be added.