Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Total Time of Workout-46:37
Time in zone- 26:56
Time above zone- 7:58
Time below zone- 11:43
Max heartrate- 192 bpm
Avg heartrate-165 bpm
Kilocalories- 339

What worked?
I really enjoyed the spinning workout. Being a runner, it was a nice change of pace for a great leg workout. I really enjoyed the intervals of speed/recovery and resistance/recovery. The girls did a great job of keeping the workout upbeat but doable for even the beginners.

What didn't work?
I was a little confused on the levels at first but as they explained them it all made sense. I thought it was good that they continually reminded us of the level you should be on and where you should keep your rpms.

What I would do differently...
I think that the girls put on a great spin workout. They alternated high intensity with some recovery, but not too much. My only problem was that I couldn't hear very well, however I like the music loud so maybe microphones could be an option. Also we could do more things like the pushups/squats positions because they got my arms and legs really burning.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this sounds fun. When I take our Fitness class to the Y, we get to do a mini spinning class. Once it was Keenen, last time it was with Kristen. Anyway...It looks like a great workout. The high school students really liked it. Have a good evening.
