Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Total Time- 28:23
Time in zone- 0:15
Time above zone- 0:00
Time below zone-28:08
Max heartrate- 166 bpm
avg heartrate- 119 bpm
kilocalories- 102

What worked?
I thought the class was a great relaxer for your muscles especially after a tough cardio workout. Pilates is a great stretch for you muscles and it seems to help with toning of the abs and core. I enjoyed how the class was run, very professional, and the girls very good at explaining each movement.

What didn't work?
The pilates were not something I would do on a regular basis. Besides being a well taught class I did not feel to get much of an actual workout. I feel that doing a more upbeat cardio class would work better for me.

What I would do differently...
This is the first time I have ever done pilates and as far as running the class I thought the girls did a very good job. I think the only thing I would do differently would be to take less time explaining the exercises so that we have more time actually performing them. I also thought the class could have been a little longer in the actual workout section.

1 comment:

  1. I have never tried a pilates workout either, and now I'm afraid I am too old?! How does it compare to yoga? Does it require strength and balance? It does sound like a nice change of one's workout routine.
